Martinelli defends state security guards for his family

PRESIDENT RICARDO MARTINELLI, faced with a growing outcry, defended the use of state security escorts for his family when he leaves office June 30.

At an event to provide housing to low income families in La Pintada, Cocle, Martinelli referred to the draft bill 724 to the Assembly for discussion in special session, and amending Act 55 of 1996 on the service of escorts for former presidents of the Republic.

The proposal seeks to give former First Ladies and the sons of former presidents security guards for a period of 10 and 5 years, respectively. Currently, the project would benefit only the outgoing president's family, and Vivian de Torrijos, wife of Martin Torrijos, who ruled from 2004 to 2009.
The other former First Ladies-Ana Mae Endara, Dora Balladares and Ruby Moscoso– do not havewith bodyguards courtesy of the State, because they have more than 10 years since their husbands left office
Marinelli said he could have been able to extend the benefits through a decree, but chose to do so through a law which would give it more armor. If Juan Carlos Varela, once taking office as president, intends to withdraw the escorts for Martinelli Linares, family hecannot do with his unique signature, but would need the consensus of the Assembly where, until now, the party Democratic Change (CD) controlled by Martinelli has a majority.
"We want to be a first world country with third world mentality. I think it's important that Panamanians begin to change and see things differently and leave envy and grudges aside, "said Martinelli.
He acknowledged that he leaves with a to-do list on issues such as drinking water, sewage and electricity.
"We have made good progress, but much remains to be done and I hope that the next government finished the task of giving water and sewerage and good roads all Panamanians, because they have that opportunity," he said.
On Monday, the Commission Assembly Government approved the first reading of draft 724 by the affirmative vote of five CD deputies: Dana Castaneda, Abraham Martinez, Mario alternates Lazarus and Cohen and Manuel Rony Arauz.