Parents of missing young women return from Holland as search continues

A NEW GROUP of Dutch search specialist joined the parents of the two missing Dutch tourists as they returned to Panama following the discovery of a back pack last week.

The backpack contained the cell phones of Lisanne Froon, 22, and Kris Kremers, 21 April 1. $83 cash, some clothing and a passport. The young women girls went for a walk in Boquete on April 1 and have not been seen since, in spite or two months of searching, include helicopters and a team of search dogs and their handlers from Holland.
Jerome Van Passel, a researcher hired as part of the team looking for the girls said, Monday, June 16 said that the parents of both still hold out hope of finding them alive after the discovery of the bag by indigenous residents some 15 hours walk away from where they set out in Boquete.
The new search area will run along the “Pianist” path heading towards the area of the mountain range that borders Bocas del Toro, specifically near the Rio Culebra where the back pack was found.
Police sources said that the search area is heavily wooded
Last Friday fiscal Prosecutor, Bethsaida Pittí said they would be conducting a series of searches , Monday, in the area known as Altos de Romero, located in the district of Changuinola.