Gay community names finalists for pink egg discrimination award

FIVE nominees have been listed as finalists for the first annual award of a giant pink egg, to denote actions detrimental to the gay community.

The move to was announced at a press conference on Monday, June 16 by the Association of New Men and Women of Panama (AHMNP) to highlight the issue of stigma and discrimination of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, by public ridicule.

Journalists Famanía Hugo Enrique and Jose Escobar, Deputy Carlos Tito Afu, Government Minister, Jorge Ricardo Fabrega and website are the nominees.
At a press conference, on Monday, Ricardo Beteta, AHMNP president, said the selection was based on actions of the nominees that are detrimental to the Human Rights Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex in Panama ( LGBTI) during the last 12 months.
The event was also used to provide details of the tenth LGBTI Gay Pride Parade to be held on Saturday June 28, starting from the intersection of Via Espana and Via Argentina through el Cangrejo to the Einstein monument. The parade will start at 1:00 pm