Overseer of scandal ridden brokerage stabbed

GUSTAVO GORDON,an officer of the Superintendency of Securities Market (SMV) was stabbed three times on Tuesday morning near Parque Urraca, on his way to the offices of Financial Pacific.

The latest incident follows the disappearance of the man who first uncovered a scandal at the brokerage, threats leading to the resignation of a Superintendent, and allegations by a witness who raised the name of President Ricardo Martinelli, that she had been coerced into changing her statement.

Gordon was rushed to emergency surgery at the National Hospital, closely followed by agents of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ).
The incident again brings a light to bear on the intrigue and suspicion hanging over the Financial Pacific affair, in which a former employee fingered President Ricardo Martinelli as linked to the company, which allegedly rigged stock market prices connected to Petaquilla Mines.
As part of the monitoring team and oversight of the SMV, Gordon had an appointment at Financial Pacific, the brokerage firm, located in the BBVA Tower, Avenida Balboa, which is under new measures ordered by the regulator.
Gordon was part of the team that worked with SMV Maruquel Pabon Ramirez, designated as comptroller of Financial Pacific, in October 2012.
Pabon confirmed that the attacker did not steal anything from Gordon, who is out of danger.
When the scandal first broke, Vernon Junior Ramos, deputy director of Financial Analysis of the Audit of the Superintendent, disappeared from his home November 16, 2012.
 Panama Stock Market Director Roberto Brenes later questioned the performance of the Public Ministry (MP) in investigations related to the scandal .
Brenes said that it was “a case of incompetence or a cover-up” that the MP has not acted on the disappearance of Ramos, the deputy director of Financial Analysis of the Audit Directorate of the Superintendency of Securities, after two months.
Brenes said the MP has not said publicly if Ramos “ran away or is missing or dead.”
He added that Ramos was one of the most important figures in the FP case, since it was his reports that certified the problems within the firm.
Gordon was part of the team that worked with SMV Maruquel Pabon Ramirez, designated as comptroller of Financial Pacific, in October 2012.
Pabon confirmed that the attacker did not steal anything from Gordon, who is out of danger.
In February this year, the then Superintendent Alejandro Abood reported receiving threats.Abood resigned.
On March 31 Relatives and lawyers of Maytte Pellegrini who linked President Martinelli’s name to a secret account allegedly set up to manipulate the stock market claimed interference of the Executive Branch and the Judiciary and file manipulation by the Public Ministry.