Boost for Forestry Sector and Environment in Panama

AN AGREEMENT, signed in Panama is aimed at planting a million hectares of trees in the next 20 years to combat the growing deforestation of the country

The move will promote commercial reforestation, restoration of forest-culture and sustainable forest management.And fulfill the goal of the National Forestry Plan.

The agreement is between forestry companies and the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture
Over  65% of natural forest area has been lost, with to date no way to control deforestation rates which are over 20,000 hectares a year. says that “…In the past 20 years, after the creation of the law on incentives for reforestation, 540,000 hectares of forest have been lost and it is estimated that the amount of degraded land adds up cumulatively to 2 million hectares. Up until 2009 barely 75,000 hectares has been generated, corresponding to only 14% of what was destroyed.