Stabbing of Financial Pacific Witness – intimidation

THE STABBING of a defense witness in the trial of Mayte Pellegrini, accused of financial crimes at the brokerage Financial Pacific (FP) has been described as an act of intimidation for other witnesses.

Zulay RodriguezThe attack on Gustavo Gordon, Officer Superintendent of Securities Market (SMV) took place near Parque Urraca on Tuesday June 17.


Another man who originally worked on the audit of FP mysteriously disappeared and  a senior officer resigned in February because of threats.

On  Wednesday, June 18, Zulay Rodríguez, lawyer for Pellegrini, condemned the attack on Gordon.while on his way to FP offices in the BBVA Tower, Avenida Balboa.

Gordon is one of four SMV officials who should testify before the Thirteenth Prosecutor  at the request of the defense of Pellegrini.

Rodriguez claims that what happened to Gordon, who he defined as a “key witness” said witnesses “are scared” the lawyer told La Prensa. ”Yesterday one and now another. Rodríguez said that these officials had ratified an audit report, dated December 2012, which established that Pellegrini did not receive $20 million, as the Attorney General accused, but the money went into the hands of the then directors of FP.

“You’re not going to stab the eight or nine witnesses you have. What you do is look at the most visible for the rest of the people to become scared, “she said. This is an example of “Total intimidation … is a danger … and this has been exposed.”

Gordon had surgery and is hospitalized, so that for now he will not declare. Rodriguez announced that emphasize the appearance of the other three officers. If thye are reluctant to appear, they may betaken there by the National Police.

Financial Pacific underwent a reorganization in October 2012, when a multi- million dollar alleged embezzlement was discovered. Pellegrini is the only person charged, but in statements has talked of a secret fund for manipulating the stock market, and alleged that President Ricardo Martinelli was involved.