Martinelli planning to issue pardons

SOME of Panama’s malefactors will sleep easier after June 30 as President Ricardo Martinelli confirmed Monday, June 23, that he is planning to issue a number of pardons at the end of his term.
“There are always pardons granted, mostly to journalists, politicians and people who have been unfairly accused without a trial,” said the president.

He also expressed hope that President-elect Juan Carlos Varela would not use the Italian corruption case involving Martinelli associate Valter Lavitola for political gain, reports La Prensa.
“I hope that Mr. Varela is consistent with his actions and does not chase after me politically, because we should wait for the Italian judiciary to do its work and not interfere,” said Martinelli.
His statements were made during a ceremony to begin work on a memorial for victims of the military dictatorship at the former home of Manuel Antonio Noriega in San Francisco.
At the end of his administration, former President Martín Torrijos (2004-2009) pardoned 20 people, 
The list of pardoned persons appeared in the Official Gazette a day after Torrijos left power. All persons had pending three- and four-year sentences
The granting of pardons has become a tradition for the outgoing leaders. In 1994, fPresident Guillermo Endara (1989-1994) awarded 542 pardons; in 1999, Ernesto Pérez Balladares (1994-1999) gave 390 pardons, and in 2004, Mireya Moscoso (1999-2004) awarded 183.
The Constitution says presidents can issue pardons, lower penalties and grant parole to inmates who committed common crimes.