Panama prosecutor in Holland to discuss missing girls

THE PROSECUTOR in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of two young Dutch women in Panama, flew to Holland on Wednesday, July 2, to exchange information with the authorities there.

Panama’s Public Ministry said that with Betzaida Pitty was the head of the Complex Case Unit Rafael Guerrero, “to meet with authorities of that country, in order to learn about judicial assistance.”
The purpose of the visit is to “analyze and exchange information on the development of research” conducted in Panama since last April.
Lisanne Froon, 22, and Kris Kremers, 21, disappeared April 1 in Boquete, in the province of Chiriqui, bordering Costa Rica, where they arrived on March29, with the intention of learning Spanish and doing social work.
On April 2, a tour guide reported them missing and the began search and research, which involved Dutch researchers and the girls’ families.
In mid-June in the Culubre River locals area found a backpack with mobile phones, camera, glasses, lingerie, young, Lisanne’d passport and $83 in cash, Residents of the area later found skeletal remains and on June 25 authorities confirmed that the DNA analysis of the remains were made compatible with Kris Kremers,and after testing that other the remains belonged to Lisanne Froon.