Route chosen for Nicaragua Grand Canal

THE FINAL ROUTE of the inter-ocean Nicaraguan Grand Canal was announced on Monday, July7, at a presentation to the Nicaraguan government and members of the Special Committee of the Grand Canal of Nicaragua The mega 278 kilometers project will cross the country and will include 105 kilometers across the Cocibolca lake or lake Nicaragua.
According to the presentation made by a representative of HKND Group, the Grand Canal will be between 230 and 530 meters wide and between 26 and 30 feet deep.
The presentation reported by Nicaraguan media included extensive explanations of six sub-projects on which feasibility studies are still being conducted.

Among the subprojects are two ports, , one on the Caribbean coast and one on the Pacific coast, a Free Trade zone, , an international airport in the southern province of Rivas, bordering Costa Rica, Warehouses Travel, roads, power plants and a cement plant.
The presenter of the project, said the subproject roads to be built, aims to restore the roads cut by the construction of the Canal and to connect the subprojects. He said feasibility studies on the construction of the sub projects are still being performed.
It is anticipated that power plants, steel and cement supplies for the megaproject, will catapult the development of Nicaragua. The presenter said visits were made to the Panama Canal and studies have been conducted on field geology, topography, hydrology and related information.
He said a preliminary six possible routes were selected, but, after global considerations, studies focused on routes three and four and finally, after considering environmental, social, water and other resources, route four was recommended near the river mouth of Punta Gorda, in the Caribbean, through Nicaraguan territory to the Pacific by the River Brito, in the south of the Rivas province.
Initial announcements from Hong Kong based HKND, estimated the cost of the canal and sub projects at $50 billion.