Another blow to asylum seeker

 PANAMA’S Supreme Court issued its ruling  on Wednesday, July 9, rejecting the request for a clarification of the decision that declared the asylum granted to former Colombian Security Director María del Pilar Hurtado to be unconstitutional. The clarification requests were filed by Attorney General Ana Belfon and lawyers for Hurtado’s family. The initial ruling was issued by the Supreme Court on May 29.

The ruling cited regulations that state the “clarification of a judgment is only made to corrent an arithmetic or writing error or to explain phrases that are obscure or have double meanings.”

Colombia, which has sought to extradite Hurtado, has sought to prevent her from being offered asylum from any other country.

Hurtado is facing charges of illegally spying on judges, opposition politicians and journalists between 2007 and 2009 in the administration of Álvaro Uribe.