Only 30 consulted over Obarrio parking lot.

A $7 million contract for the construction of a 300 vehicle underground parking lot in Obarrio, issued under former Panama mayor Roxana Mendez is under review after the discovery of irregularities in the environmental impact assessment (EIA)
The EAI presents a remodeling of the park, when the main objective was the construction of parking lots, and only 30 people were interviewed out of 5,357 who live in the area.

Felipe Rodriguez, President of Action Committee Obarrio, said that on-site construction of commercial premises in an area whose zoning is “P”, ie public and community use is not allowed when the community was not consulted about the initiative. He said the issue should be subjected to a real public consultation, reports La Prensa
Former engineer and now Zoning Deputy, Juan Manuel Vasquez, defended the proposal and said that “cities require modernization and update public usage.”
The contract was awarded to Plaza Parking, SA.