Martinelli, Mndez, accused of authority abuse

A Former judge has accused former President Ricardo Martinelli and former Minister of Government Roxana Méndez of abuse of authority over 10 pardons granted by a decree issued on Oct. 26, 2010.

The complaint was filed with the Supreme Court, Monday, July 21, by former Judge Alexis Ballesteros.

Ballesteros, who filed the complaint personally, submitted as evidence the recent Supreme Court decision that concluded the pardons were wrongly issued because they assumed functions that are reserved for the judiciary.

Martinelli, as a member of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), has limited immunity and can only be investigated by the Supreme Court.

Méndez was included in the indictment because she, along with Martinelli, signed the pardons, which included those granted to five police officers charged with murder, reports La Prensa.