OFF THE CUFF: A new look at Panamas consuls

MOVES by the new administration to change the way Panama’s Consuls are chosen and operate, will bring a well needed broom to the darker corners of “diplomacy” with consuls around the world gathering “commissions” on ships registering under the Panamanian flag, and other trade deals.This has led to  jostling for the cushier posts, with many consuls, their pockets well lined, returning home to join the upper “haves” in a country where 50% of the people are have-nots.

Foreign minister Isabel De Saint Malo de Alvarado, promises too to end the era of jobs for the boys (or girls) and require that those selected for consular roles actually have some professional qualifications She pointed out to the media this week that the merchant marine flying Panama’s flag belongs to the Panamanian State and the resources generated should belong to it.
She added that the consuls should be servants and have a salary “to live with dignity in the countries to which they are appointed”. In the last five years millions of dollars have ended up in the bank accounts of consuls who have often lived high on the hog spending more than they bring in.
Because of these concerns the creation of a commission to establish that the money goes to the State, is underway. A big step away from the Third World approach.