4000, checks found in election bribes search

OFFICIALS of the Tribunal Electoral (TE) have found new evidence in the investigation that was prompted by the challenge to the results of the 4-6 circuit race in Chiriquí which was won by Ana Giselle Rosas de Vallarino.
The investigators searched the records of the National Bank of Panama and found at least 4,000 checks that were issued by the El Puerto de Remedios Communal Board, which is in the circuit and which was accused by Vallarino’s challenger, former Deputy Jorge Alberto Rosas, of paying bribes to sway voters.
The investigators are also looking into projects worth $300,000 ordered by the Ministry of Housing in the circuit.
The investigation is suspended but will be resumed next week. While Vallarino was proclaimed the winner of the election, she has not yet received her credentials or taken her seat due to the challenge by Rosas, her cousin.
Rosas said the Ministry of Economy and Finance transferred funds to the Community Board, which were then used by Vallarino, a member of the CD, to bribe voters. reports La Prensa
Vallarino said that the election was “transparent” and the investigation will show that she is innocent