Major police crackdown on pirate buses

Major police crackdown on pirate buses
PANAMA’S PIRATE buses will face an extended police crackdown on Monday, August 18, as the government moves to protect passengers and other drivers, says Javier Fanuco, Director of National Police Transit Operations
“Pirates”, will not only be face $500 fines for providing an illegal service, but will also forfeit their personal ID (cedula). A week later, August 25, if they continue operating, owners will forfeit their vehicles.
We cannot allow unsafe transportation for users said Fanuco.
Meanwhile, Interior Minister, Milton Henriquez, stressed it will not allow the “pirate” transport as it not only violates law also endangers the lives and safety of users and other drivers reports La Prensa.
He clarified that thedurvey conducted by the Transit Authority (ATTT) was not a measure “to legalize the illegal” but to “measure the problem” that exists with this type of service.
One hour after Fanuco’s statements on the RPC Open Debate program, around 25 pirate leaders held a press conference to ask the transport authorities to allow “pirates” that are affiliated to the National Transport Chamber (Canatra) to continue to circulate.
Said Tomasito Lopez, secretary of the Union of Public Transport (Sicotrac), “We call on the Government Minister Milton Henriquez, the director of the Transit Authority and Land Transport, Julio Gonzalez, Commissioner Javier Fanuco and the mayors of Panama and San Miguelito] to support us and let’s solve the transportation problem facing the capital.
López called heads of groups operating pirate services on different routes “From tomorrow not to allow vehicles that are not registered in our organizations to move through through the city.
We promise that our drivers meet the requirements to operate as they have to have a professional license, life insurance, and not have tinted windows, he said.
He warned drivers who do not meet these requirements not to operate. There are 300 pirate buses “listed as Canatra affiliates.
Two passengers have been killed and 24 injured in reported pirate bus accidents in August.