New restaurant security program follows raids

THREE OF THE FOUR men identified in connection with robberies and assaults on customers and owners of 11 restaurants in Panama are being investigated by prosecutors on charges of aggravated robbery and possession of firearms.

In some cases, a source told La Prensa, the detainees are accused of assault at an establishmenton more than one occasion and using firearms to subdue customers and employees. 

Evidence found in the hands of the suspects also verifies their involvement.

Security Minister Rodolfo Aguilera said that only one member of the gang is a fugitive, but he is fully identified by the National Police.
The CEO of the National Police, Omar Pinzon, met with the owners and managers of restaurants and hotels and the administrator of the Tourism Authority of Panama, Jesus Sierra Victoria, on Wednesday, August 20 to explain the workings of a safety program for commercial premises.

“For us it is necessary that the general public have confidence in the Police and we are providing security in the streets,” Finch said.

At the meeting, Finch explained the mechanics that used the National Police to provide security for those locales that have been victims of criminals and will henceforth be running the “Restaurants Watchers” program.

Finch said that the new program is similar to the Hotel Vigilantes” system that will that has yielded “excellent results