Communication breakdown as 37 die in hospital

WHILE the Social Security Fund(CSS)  has a sole director who handles  both health issues and finances it will be difficult to prevent outbreaks like the one that left a toll of 71 persons infected with KPC, 37 of whom died.

The comment, in La Prensa, comes from Carlos Abadia  ex-assessor of the  CSS  and currently  supervising the modernization of primary care of the institution
When, the current director, Guillermo Sáenz-Llorens appeared before the full legislature he said he learned of the bacteria from the media in July 2011, although documents  prove that the staff was alerted to the health crisis at least a year earlier.

“I do not know if the communicationissue  came up, It wasa communication failure from the start,” said. Abadia 
The Ombudsperson, Lilia Herrera, said that if the authorities of the CSS did not know what was happening with the KPC bacteria in the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex, it “definitely greatly aggravates the situation.” 

“Really we want justice move faster, because people are expecting it” said Herrera of the families of victims of KPC, who expect justice against  the CSSadministration for  dozens of people who died because of the bacteria. 

The Ombudsman’s dossier contains all the cases that aroseand the families of the victims want to know what actions they can taketo ensure that those responsible are criminally accused and punished.

The coordinator of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal), Domingo Moreno, who works in the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Complex said that information on the control of cases by the KPC bacteria at the medical center dates from about eight months ago . 

In December 2013 the authorities of the CSS had closed the outbreak of KPC, since they had six consecutive months of not receiving reports of new infections. 

“To date we have not been given any other report,” Moreno said when asked about the number of patients or cases that have been recorded so far this year. Still,  he says the doctors are on alert.


WHILE the Social Security Fund(CSS) has a sole director who handles both health issues and finances it will be difficult to prevent outbreaks like the one that left a toll of 71 persons infected with KPC, 37 of whom died.
The comment, in La Prensa, comes from Carlos Abadia ex-assessor of the CSS and currently supervising the modernization of primary care of the institution
When, the current director, Guillermo Sáenz-Llorens appeared before the full legislature he said he learned of the bacteria from the media in July 2011, although documents prove that the staff was alerted to the health crisis at least a year earlier.

“I do not know where the communication failure issue came up, It was a communication failure from the start,” said. Abadia
The Ombudsperson, Lilia Herrera, said that if the authorities of the CSS did not know what was happening with the KPC bacteria in the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex, it “definitely greatly aggravates the situation.”

“Really we want justice move faster, because people are expecting it” said Herrera of the families of victims of KPC, who expect justice against the CSS administration for dozens of people who died because of the bacteria.

The Ombudsman’s dossier contains all the cases that arose and the families of the victims want to know what actions they can take to ensure that those responsible are criminally accused and punished.
The coordinator of the National Negotiating Medical Commission (Comenenal), Domingo Moreno, who works in the Arnulfo Arias Madrid Complex said that information on the control of cases by the KPC bacteria at the medical center dates from about eight months ago .

In December 2013 the authorities of the CSS had closed the outbreak of KPC, since they had six consecutive months of not receiving reports of new infections.

“To date we have not been given any other report,” Moreno said when asked about the number of patients or cases that have been recorded so far this year. Still, he says, the doctors are on alert.