Lawyers team retracing final path of dead tourists

THE LAWYER for the family of Kris Kremers, one of the two Dutch girls who went missing from Boquete on April 1 and whose partial remains have been found,. has joined in the search for evidence.

Enrique Arrocha, began a tour of the El Pianista trail to gather evidence that could clarify the death of young couple. While climbing they took photos which were found in a camera in a recovered knapsack that also contained a passport and money.
The lawyer said that he will be accompanied by nine members of his team. “We’re going to go places that photographs indicate they [Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon] took during their tour of this mountainous area,” he added.
Part of the remains of the missing girls last April have been found in the community of Alto Romero, provinces of Bocas del Toro.
He said if they find some evidence, it will be delivered to the Attorney General to assist with the investigation.

Teams of investigators from Panama, Costa Rica and Holland have  previously scoured the area bu to date the cause of death of the two girls remains a mystery.
Kris’s parents, Hans and Roeli Kremers, returned to Holland on August 8 and left Arrocha to continue investigating the case of their daughter and her friend Lisanne reports La Prensa.