Massive deforestation harming water sources

DEFORESTATION of 92% of the basin area of the river La Villa to make way for agriculture, and misuse of land have contributed to land degradation, degradation of water sources and loss of biodiversity in the Azuero Peninsula .

The news comes in a report by the National Environmental Authority (ANAM).
This tributary basin comprises the districts of Las Minas, Los Pozos, Pesé and Chitre, Herrera Province, and provides drinking water to more than 100,000 residents of Herrera and Los Santos.
Anam’s report says that one of the biggest problems of the basin of La Villa is the product sedimentation from erosion caused by deforestation, which results in the loss of flow, and water is not filtered and drained
The authority says forests around the six rivers of the basin have declined, so they are working to recover with reforestation in different sectors.
The basin, which rises in the Las Minas district in the area known as Three Points has been identified as one of the largest in the country, and is located in the Azuero peninsula between the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos, and comprises an area of 129, 500 hectares.