OFF THE CUFF: Juggling Panama crime stats

IN THE 100 days of Panama’s new government the crime rate has sky rocketed, even in areas where the”Safe Neighborhoods” project has been introduced, according to a publication dominated by former president Ricardo Martinelli

 Critica claims at least 159 murders reported from 1 July to 8 October.

“On average every other day there are three murders, ie 1.5 per 24 hours.”

Official figures show that in some cases, as in August the number of homicides or deaths r conducted by the Attorney General as homicides.

From July to September21 official figures obtained by Critica reveal a total 132 homicides were recorded  compared 137 July to September 2013 

But the CD supportin paper adds it own spin to the figures with a little blue skying “Considering the average daily homicide rate was1.5) was, we must add another 9 murders for September 2014, bringing the estimated figure to 145 and another 14 would have been recorded in October.”

The paper then went on to attack the”Safe Neighborhoods” program, which provided training for gang members. Minister Rodolfo Aguilera
Aguilera said recently that the program is giving the “expected results, especially in Colon and San Miguelito, where gang crime rates have declined.”

However, the reality is different. says Critica,The homicide rate in Colon is the highest (27 per 100 000 inhabitants) and official reports themselves recognize that exists in that province the “greatest risk of being killed.” Across the country the rate is 12 per 100 thousand inhabitants.
In San Miguelito in four districts have increased murders and of those, three have doubled says Critca. Whose headline on the story says “159 killings in 100 days of Varela” Statistics and damned statistics