Man killed in shootout at former presidents home

ONE MAN is dead and another injured following a shootout between members of the Institutional Protection Service (SPI) and robbers in front of the home of former president Mireya Moscoso on Thursday, October 16.

Moscoso told La Prensa that two men on a motorcycle intercepted her former Minister of Goverenment, Arnulfo Escalona, who was parking outside her home in Carrasquilla
She said that one of the men got off the bike and held Escalona at gunpoint, so an SPI agent fired.
At least two people were injured, one of them, a 23 year old. was transferred to St. Thomas Hospital where he died in the emergency room hospital officials said. The other person was a member of the SPI, according to preliminary reports.
Moscoso confirmed that President Juan Carlos Varela headed to her home after the incident.
the National Police reported through Twitter that two subjects are under investigation.