OFF THE CUFF: A primer for Supreme Court Judge scandal

SUPREME COURT Justice, Alejandro Moncada Luna , has been  the focus of attention by Panama’s law society civil groups and the media after a La Prensa revelation that  he bought two apartments valued at $1,724,00 with a monthly  income net income of only $7500.

He is scheduled to appear before a National Assembly Committee, on Monday, October 20, facing charges of illegal enrichment. He and his lawyer failed to turn up for a previous hearing on Friday, prompting calls for his arrest, and a bizarre sequence of events where the judge disappeared, police and the Assembly prosecutor visited his home and other locations, and the judge communicated with the Assembly Committee via telephone interviews on TVN.


On Saturday, October 17, La Prensa printed 10 keys to understanding thecase that has led civil society organizations to demand the resignation of Moncada Luna

1) Since when has Alejandro Moncada Luna been a judge of the Supreme Court?
Since 2 January 2010, Then  President Ricardo Martinelli appointed him in office until 2020.

2) How much money does a judge of the Supreme Court earn?
$6,000 salary and $4,000 in expenses. After withholding by law (Social Security, Education, Insurance, and Income Tax) there  is about $7 500

3) Apart from the salary of judge, may  Luna have other income?
The Judicial Code and the Constitution of Panama indicate that a judge may engage only serve as a teacher for other income. Therefore, it is prohibited from practicing law and having businesses.

4) What did the  judge buy  and how much did it cost?
He bought two apartments in Coco del Mar which are valued at $1, 724 thousand U.S. dollars. The first one cost $ 545,000 and is on the 26th floor of the Ocean Sky Tower. The second occupies the entire 16th floor of PH Santorini and cost  $1,179,200

5) How the apartments were bought? 
They were purchased through partnerships. The first is called Heavenly Corporation, SA Its president is María del Pilar Fernández de Moncada Luna, wife of  the judge and she owns 100% of the shares.

To buy this apartment, first they paid $ 395,000 and the remaining ($150,000) through a loan from the National Bank of Panama.

The second was bought by Alpil Corporation, whose president is María del Pilar Fernández de Moncada Luna The building cost a $1,179, 200 U.S. dollars. A 50% stake is  held by Maria del Pilar and the other byAlejandro Moncada Luna. It was canceled as follows: $ 10,000 in cash and the rest ($1,69 200 dollars) with a cashier’s check.


6) When were the apartments were bought?
The apartment costing $ 545,000 was purchased on March 3, 2011 The second apartment, whichcost $1,179,200  was purchased on August 12, 2014 In both cases, Moncada Luan was a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice.


7) What does  María del Pilar Fernández de Moncada Luna do?
She is a lawyer. During the government of Ricardo Martinelli was Director of Planning and Finance, Ministry of the Presidency.


8) What was the heritage of Alejandro Moncada Moon before become  judge?
The declaration of assets of the judge  says that when he took office at the Supreme Court  he had only a 2005  4×4 truck and a Rolex gold watch, President type.

9) Where did Moncada Luna  get the money to pay the $ 1.7 million the apartments cost?
The judge said his uncle, Felipe “Pipo” Virzi, a member of the former Ricardo  Martinelli circle called zero, loaned him  $700,000 without interest. 

10) Has Moncada Luna ever judged  cases related to   Felipe Virzi|
Yes. Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna in February 9, 2011 an in favor of the Universal Bank, which had a dispute with the company Nacional, SA Petroleum, on a farm in David, Chiriquí.This is the bank in which one of its major shareholders is Felipe Virzi Pipo.

Moncada Luna has also ruled in favor of Felipe Virzi partners. One is Gabriel Gaby Btesh.In a case involving   public land in Punta Pacifica. , Moncada Luna ordered the State to award directly, 4,318 square meters, to Adnaloy Ltd., owned by Btesh.

Moncada’s explanations will be heard before the national Assembly. Martinelli has Tweeted that the judge can account for every penny.

 Stay tuned.