Police Colonel and 7 others held in drug investigation

A POLICE Colonel arrested in Cartagena, Colombia, a week ago is being detained in custody along with seven others, including two sergeants, for alleged links to drug trafficking.

In statement, the prosecution said the measure was applied by a judge of the Caribbean port of Cartagena to Colonel Néstor Enrique Maestre and others involved in apparent liability for crimes such as drug trafficking and conspiracy.
“… According to research, the eight people arrested October 30, are associated with a load of 910 kilos of cocaine,”
The statement said that the drugs were seized April 8 in a lead container of pineapple chunks.
The prosecutor said that the criminal organization introduced cocaine in containers that would come through the Port of Cartagena en route to Germany with a stopover in the port of Rotterdam, Holland
According to statements made to newspaper El Tiempo by General Ricardo Restrepo, director of Police Narcotics, the cargo belonged to 10 powerful drug traffickers, including the ‘clan Úsuga’
He said that the organization is very large and it is possible that there are other police involved. “All 150 police officers working at the Port of Cartagena were submitted to polygraph