Thousands march against corruption

THOUSANDS of people who “can’t take it anymore” took part in marches against corruption in cities across the Panamanian Isthmus on Sunday, November 23.

In Panama City, protesters jammed the Cinta Costera chanting slogans demanding the prosecution of former government officials. One of the names prominently mentioned was that of Comptroller Gioconda Torres de Bianchini, who had worked for former president Ricardo Martinelli for 15 years before he appointed her comptroller for a system where no-bid direct purchases became the norm.

The marchers also demanded investigations into government contracts, such as that with the Italian firm Finmeccanica, accused of giving a $25 million  bribe to the then president and other high ranking government officials a close examination of the Financial Pacific case and the granting of mining concessions.

They also demanded justice in the alleged mishandling of the National Aid Program (PAN) by former director Rafael Guardia Jaén.

Marchers began arriving before 7 a.m. wearing white. The most common sign was  “Nos robaron,” or “they robbed us.” 

In Chitré a group of residents marched through the streets to protest acts of corruption. The marchers, also dressed in white, left from Union Park and concluded the march in Centennial Park.

“Today is a day of saying yes to the homeland and no to corruption,” chanted the crowd, along with “thieves to jail” and “we want justice.”

Mercedes Moreno, a professor and spokeswoman for the group, said that the aim of the march was to show that Herrera residents are also concerned about the “millions allegedly stolen by officials from the previous government administration reports La Prensa

She added that poverty is still rampant in the area, and that any money recovered should be spent addressing that problem.

Civic groups, trade unions, environmental organizations and non-governmental entities in the province of Chiriquí also marched against corruption in an activity organized by the Chiriquí Chamber of Commerce and the Independent Movement (Movin’).

The march went around the Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Park in David, where hundreds of people carried banners, flags and white emblems.

“We are a single voice demanding a halt to corruption and impunity,” said Abdel Torres, President of the chamber.

They called for acts of corruption to be investigated and punished.

Scores of officials from civic societies and politicians participated in a march in Colón organized by the Alianza Ciudadana Pro Justicia.

The peaceful demonstration started at San Jose Paulino Chuch on Avenida Central and wound through the main streets of the city. Participants waved banners and chanted slogans, repudiating the acts of corruption and demanding prison sentences for the offenders.

Teodoro Anderson, of the alliance, stated that society has called for an investigation into these acts that have been reported in recent days, as well as reforms to prevent future problems.

“We are demanding an end to this embezzlement and corruption, we demand that prosecutors and judges act in a righteous way and say no to impunity,” he said.