Hundreds in line to get mandatory pass for Corridors

HUNDREDS of last minute shoppers lined up in their cars on the first day of December at the North and South corridor to obtain the mandatory Panapass card and sticker.

Nationalional Highway Company (ENA) staff were at their posts early morning, processing cards and affixing stickers on windshields.
With the Panapass system, every time users go through the toll booth an electronic sensor will read the sticker on the windshield and automatically lift the barrier and discount the charge from the card without the car having to stop. It is expected to speed up traffic flow on the corridors and eliminate long line ups.
To get their stickers, users must present their card, vehicle registration or authorization signed by the vehicle owner.
The Ministry of Public Works has centers for installing decals on Via Israel, San Francisco, and Albrook, Ancon.
From December 1 the minimum recharge for prepaid cards at the booths will be $10.