Corruption suspect tranfers $2 million to Bahamas

AT LEAST $2 million was transferred to the Bahamas tax haven in November by a company related to Rafael  Guardia,Jaen the former head of Panama’s National Assistance program, who is currently in a jail cell while under investigation by the First Anticorruption prosecutor.


 Judicial proceedings conducted by the Attorney confirm the transfer reports La Prensa.
An official source states that the transfers were made from two accounts linked to Guardia Jaén and registered in the BCT and Universal banks, the latter linked to Virzi family which in turn is linked to the investigation of suspended Supreme Court Judge, Moncada Luna.
Guardia Jaén, is being investigated for allegedly committing crimes against the public administration and detained since November 17.
At least $13 million found in multiple bank accounts and several real estate properties and a $400,000 yacht have been seized by the authorities.