Questions on $700,000 interest free loan to judge

BUSINESSMAN and member of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s inner circle, Felipe ‘Pipo’ Virzi arrived Friday, December5 at the National Assembly to appear before Prosecutor Pedro Miguel González to continue testifying in the case against suspended Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna.

Virzi, a former vice president, has been answering questions about a $700,000 interest free personal loan he gave to the judge, who used it to buy an apartment.
The case began in October with the judge facing charges of unjustified enrichment, money laundering, falsification of public documents and corruption of public servants.
The charges arise from his purchase of two apartments for $1.7 million uncovered by La Prensa.
Virzi’s name and businesses has also surfaced in connection with investigations into former PAN directors facing their own corruption allegations.