Panama’s  uncontrolled logging mafia

What is happening in Darien is unsustainable. The indiscriminate felling and without real controls by the authorities will begin to collect their accounts in a shorter term than we imagine, having devastating effects not only for the biodiversity of that region, but for the whole country. It seems that the economic interests of those employers of the timber and agricultural industry – who see the green forests of this province as the ideal place to knead their fortune – have found a protective shield in the governments of the day and in the political class. The use of technology to exert better control over logging in Darien is a good start to stop this kind of mafia who seems little to care that the Ministry of Environment itself has ordered the suspension of extraction permits. The truth is that, if you do nothing, Our Darien stopper, as has begun to happen to the Amazon, will lose its biodiversity and with it the natural resources found in it. Neither climate change nor its effects are a conspiracy theory. They are as real as drylands due to lack of water, already extinct species and the millions of human beings who starve in the world.- LA PRENSA, Aug 26.