Deputies handout bonus going to NGOs

AN OUTCRY against the government’s plans to hand out $25,000 to each of 63 deputies for the distribution of Christmas gifts among their constituents has led to a change of heart and the money will instead be funneled to four NGOs with a better understanding of recipients genuinely in need.

 On Sunday , December 14, the President of the National Assembly, Adolfo handed the controversial bonus of $ 25,000 to charities in a ceremony at the Sheraton hotel.
The recipients are: Nutre Hogar, The Parish of Nuestra Señora de Fátima de El Chorrillo, el Movimiento Nueva Generación and la Fundación Amigos del Niño con Leucemia y Cáncer (Fanlic).
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) endorsed $1.5 million that was allocated to the deputies
“After analyzing and studying the best collective use of these bonds, I decided to channel them in full to the four non-governmental organizations,” Valderrama said.
Earlier independent deputy Ana Matilde Gómez refused to accept the $25,000 bond, approved yesterday by the Budget Committee to be distributed by lawmakers in food stamp format to voters in their circuit.
“I’m sure in the hands of these organizations delivering assistance the Government will be beneficial to thousands of young people,” said the deputy, accompanied by representatives of these groups.
Last Friday, when the Budget Committee of the National Assembly approved the allocation of $1.5 meal vouchers voters, Valderrama said that “these bonds are for social assistance at Christmas and discarding the delivery system bags of food for all the criticism and doubts that were generated in the past government.”
The current administration questioned the allocation of items to deputies through the MEF in the previous government.
The current Minister of Finance, Dulcidio De La Guardia ordered community boards to audit deputies who during the administration diverted millions of dollars to the politically favored.