Varela buries Belfon comments on PAN

PRESIDENT Juan Carlos Varela dismissed recent the statements of the outgoing Attorney General Ana Belfon, concerning the scandal ridden National Assistance Program (PAN).

“Mrs. Belfon has 14 days left and hopefully that’s the end ends … and now Mrs. Belfon’s opinion has no value.” said Varela during a tour in Villa María, Alcalde Diaz, reports La Prensa
On Monday, the prosecutor suggested removal of the program “because it is not true that the PAN is required for emergency situations. We have 22 Public Procurement Acts, which provides for the possibility of acts, special procedures when emergency situations arise. “
According to Varela, now it is striking that “some want to question [PAN] as they have every right to do, but it is noteworthy that those who were involved directly with embezzlement in the PAN are questioning it,”
Ex-president Ricardo Martinelli is one who has called for its closure, and whose name cropped up during interrogation of former PAN director Tamburelli.
Varela said there is already a former director of that institution in the Gran Joya pison and another is under house arrest.