Santa Clara bandits rampage halted

A WEEKEND ROBBERY rampage by a gang of five in the area of Santa Clara, in Juan Diaz and Chanis, Parque Lefevre, was stopped in its tracks by National Police on the weekend, but not before they had raided up to a dozen homes.

El Siglo reports that their last venture was early Saturday morning, December 21, when, with one man wielding a gun , they invaded a party, forcing guests to hand over money, cell phones and other belongings .
The five thieves who driving a grey Toyota Yaris, were caught by police in the area of San Cristobal, Juan Diaz. The police found a 9mm gun and other evidence of the latest crime in the car.
They are investigating whether the vehicle was stolen or rented and are on the trail of the other two criminals who are presumed to be hiding in a nearby sector.
The captured three have been processed and are behind  prison bars.