Bank accounts, contracts, linked to suspended judge

THE SEIZURE of newly discovered bank accounts linked to suspended Supreme Court Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna will come before the National Assembly Waaranty Judges Zulay Rodríguez, Ana Matilde Gómez García and Katleen Levy on Tuesday,December 23.

 The second control hearing, was requested by the prosecutor Deputy Pedro Miguel Gonzalez, who seized new bank accounts so they can be brought to the attention of the judges
In addition to reporting the seizure of bank accounts, it is expected that the prosecutor ask for permission to judges to produce other evidence in this case.
At the first hearing of control, on Tuesday December 9, Gonzalez told the guarantee judges of the provisional retention of four bank accounts linked to Moncada Luna, amounting to more than $1.3 million.

González said the businessman Felipe “Pipo” Virzi, linked to Universal Bank, told him in an earlier interview that Moncada Luna continues to hold debit cards linked to these accounts.
According to Gonzalez, the accounts are in the name of companies Luxol Corporation, SA, Cubemu Corporation, SA and Sarelan Corporation.
He also noted that the judge separately received money from companies that agreed to contracts with the judiciary when Moncada Luna was its president (2012-2013), transactions that have taken place through corporations linked to the judicial officer himself.
Moncada Luna, is under house arrest, and is being investigated for alleged offenses of unjust enrichment, money laundering, forgery of public documents and public corruption, the product of a complaint against him after learning he acquired two apartments in Coco del Mar, worth $ 1.7 million over the past four years, one of them bought for cash.