PAN SCANDAL: Tamburrelli in Intensive Care

THE FORMER DIRECTOR of the National Assistance Program (PAN) Giacomo Tamburrelli is in the ICU of the San Fernando Hospital in Panama city after undergoing a heart procedure on Monday, December 22.

Tamburrelli was taken to the hospital on Sunday night from his home, where he is under house arrest his lawyer Gonzalo Moncada, said that two clogged veins had been detected. “His health is very delicate” he said.
The lawyer attended the Second Anticorruption Prosecutor on Monday to present a medical certificate on the status of his client. He also carried a request to postpone the extension of investigation, which had been scheduled for Tuesday December 23.
Tamburelli had promised to reveal the names of those who committed irregularities with funds from the PAN.
In the first investigation Tamburrelli said Ricardo Martinelli, the ex-president gave the order for the contract to acquire dehydrated food for pupils in public schools, for a total of $45 million reports La Prensa.