Price control evaders pay a special price

118 FOOD OUTLETS in Panama province have  been hit with fines this year, for flouting the government mandated maximum selling prices of 22 products of the basic food basket.

The fines in the province  total $23,500, Jorge Palma, of the Consumer Protection and Antitrust  Authority in Los Santos, said That since last July 1 When the decree setting maximum prices for selected products was announced  for implementation in September, many traders have been reluctant to comply, particularly when it comes to meat sales.

The official said nationally so far fines have totaled more than $100,000.Price control evaders pay a special price
118 FOOD OUTLETS in Panama province have been hit with fines this year, for flouting the government mandated maximum selling prices of 22 products of the basic food basket
The fines in the province total $23,500, Jorge Palma, of the Consumer Protection and Antitrust Authority in Los Santos, said That since last July 1 When the decree setting maximum prices for selected products was announced for implementation in September, many traders have been reluctant to comply, particularly when it comes to meat sales.
The official said nationally, so far, fines have totaled more than $100,000. before the Christmas rush.