Electoral Tribunal judge to remain 10 more years

A 72-YEAR OLD Electoral Tribunal judge who has served since Panama’s first post-dictatorship government has been confirmed in his position for another 10 years.
Eduardo Valdes Escoffery was born on November 4, 1942 and will be 82 at the end of his term jn December 2024
The decision was issued through Executive Decree 836 of December.President Juan Carlos Varela signed the decree before leaving the country on a private trip with his family.
Valdés Escoffery has been at the TE since 1990, under the administration of President Guillermo Endara (1989-1994).
As speculation mounted over Christmas, Varela had not ruled on keeping him as a Tribunal judge.
“All in good time, but [Valdés] has done a great job without any doubt,” said Varela.