PANAMA’S Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor has asked the Supreme Court (CSJ) for  an investigation of ex-president  Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014)  for the possible commission of crimes related to alleged irregularities in the National Assistance Program PAN during  his government’s administration .


In a LETTER  to the Supreme Court, dated January 7,  Lizzett Chevalier said  that the request stems from research into the former director of the PAN, Giacomo Tamburrelli.

Tamburrelli who is under house arrest, is being investigated for alleged commission of offenses against public administration and economic heritage.

The Chevalier confirmed to TVN News that the letter in question is official and has no signature because it is a copy of one that is in the case file.She said  that the Supreme Court will determine whether or not to investigate the ex-president.

After the existence of the note, became public, the president of the National Bar Association José Alberto Alvarez told TVN News that what is expected in this case is that the Supreme Court acts with immediacy and diligence.

In this sense, Alvarez said that the justice body must immediately request the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) to remove Martinelli as a deputy of that body.