Martinelli accuser in FP scandal may move from jail to home

MAYTÉ PELLEGRINI, the woman in the eye of the Financial Pacific (FP) storm and the whistleblower on a stock manipulation plan allegedly involving ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, may soon be moved to house arrest after being behind bars for over two years.

Thw Second Criminal Court replaced the custody of Pelligrini accused of financial crimes to the detriment of Financial Pacific, with an order for house arrest and barred from leaving the country.
The brokerage has been closed down by the brokerage Superintendency and fined its previous owners West Valdes and Ivan Clare hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The auditor who first uncovered irregularities at the brokerage has disappeared and is family believes he is dead. Another investigator was stabbed while on his way to the brokerage office, and a Supeerintendency executive resigned after revealing threats.
, The Court concluded the management of Financial Pacific was ‘negligent’
In a January 16 resolution, Judge Johan Barrios replaced Pellegrini’s arrest order because forensic doctors recommended her release from jail because prisons lack the adequate treatment and prevention of Osler Weber syndrome conditions faced by the accused.
Kevin Moncada, Pellegrini’s attorney, said his client is still in the holding cell of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) in Ancon, because the decision is not final. She was previously held in the Women’s Prison from where she once conducted a lengthy television interview via her cell phone.
The court on Monday January 19, gave the prosecution five working days to decide on an appeal. deadline must notify the Fourteenth Prosecutor to know if you appeal the decision.
The prosecution asked for the trial of Pellegrini and 13 other defendants.