Martinelli denies all and publishes allegations on Facebook

AS ACCUSATIONS continue of his involvement in the National Assistance Program (PAN ), scandal continue to mount, ex-president Ricardo Martinelli reverted to Twitter to answer the claims on Monday, January 26.

“Neither I nor Adolfo de Obarrio have given orders directly or indirectly to anyone to commit any offense ” he wrote at noon.
However, reports La Prensa, that is not what is inferred from a reading of the preliminary statement on Thursday and Friday last week given by the former director of PAN RafaelGuardia Jaen, currently under investigationand detained in La GranJoya prison for the commission of crimes against public administration.
Copies of the statement were distributed by Martinelli, through his social networks. “ All operations of my companies are registered and audited. It is a disgrace to want to make me involved to damage me politically. I have nothing to hide. Here are all the statements of Rafael Guardia.. Read it it yourself “(sic), he wrote on Facebook, with the 50 pages of the accused’s statement of Guard under the title” Judge for yourself “.
But the Guardia statement of the process that was followed by the purchase of bags of rice does not agree with the assertions of  Martinelli on Facebook.
“Some part of what was sold was a percentage that he indulged me … But the provider was not chosen by me. I followed instructions from .Chichi De Obarrio of the Presidency,” said the accused, before the FirstAnticorruption Prosecutor according to copies released by Martinelli.
“The award of the vendor came by direct instructions from Adolfo De Obarrio following the President , a call I passed the line, I said we were talking …
I just received instructions from two specific cases for this type of program, Mr. President [Martinelli] and Mr. De Obarrio. The form was that Chichi De Obarrio called me, I went to the President and he said ‘Do what he says [ChichiDe Obarrio] says’.
Rafael Guardia also explained how the process was set up, to circumvent the law of public procurement: dealing with one supplier, presnting three quotes, “but with different companies and different dignitaries, but belonging to the same person.” Sometimes, companies from other suppliers were asked “but agreed among themselves to make their prices higher.”
Guardia has no qualms about presenting himselfas a simple “instrument” because “all decisions had come from Chichi De Obarrio”.
“Every week I reported to demonstrate that it was not my own will,” he said. We accounted for 5% of the value awarded on the spot. It was partly deposited in bank accounts on behalf of corporations, which he controlled.
Then again according to copies released by Martinelli in networks- the provider of the rice was “the president’s brother Mario”.
EarlierMonday , Martinelli’s lawyer, Rogelio Cruz,called the media because according to him the news reporting on the PAN was violating the gag and the presumption of innocence. But when contacted by La Prensa, Cruz admitted that he advised Martinelli to disseminate Guardia’s statement. “I said, ‘publish them” he said.