Infant killed in traffic accident on eve of birthday

THE CARNAGE involving public transit, taxis and buses continues in Panama with Chorrera and Chiriqui deadly hotspots for deaths so far this year. A two year old child was the latest fatality on Thursday, January 28.

The incidence took place at 11 in the morning when a taxi, which failed to stop at a halt sign, collided with a bus which overturned at the El Harino intersection located in the district of Barrio Balboa, La Chorrera.
The infant who would have celebrated his second birthday the next day was traveling in the arms of his mother received serious head injuries. He was taken to a private hospital where he died.
The taxi driver upon learning of the death of the infant passenger knelt in the street and asked God’s forgiveness for causing the accident, reports El Siglo.
The death raised the number of fatal victims from traffic accidents in Panama West to six in the first month of 2015.
Meanwhile pirate buses continue to play their part in the increasing toll of traffic accidents. On Wednesay night a pirate busito said by police to be traveling at excessive speed collided with a pick-up carrying bananas to the Market. The accident occurred outside the headquarters of the Electoral Tribunal (TE), in Ancon. The crash left six people with injuries.