24 boxes of documents reviewed by Martinelli prosecutor

SOME 24 boxes of documents relating to contracts awarded by the National ASSISTANCE Program (PAN) in the past government for the sale of about $60 million worth of dehydrated food, are under review in the office of Supreme Court Judge, Oyden Ortega, acting as  prosecutor in the process against ex-president Ricardo Martinelli for alleged anomalies in the contracts.

La Prensa sources close to the investigation confirmed that the documents were reviewed between Thursday and Friday last week at the headquarters of the PAN and then transferred to the Palace of Justice, for a more detailed examination.

Among the papers are those related to contracts awarded to the company Lerkshore International Limited, whose representative,  Ruben De Ycaza is also under investigation for alleged irregularities
According to sources, the review of documents related to the statements by the former director of PAN Giacomo, Tamburrelli also being prosecuted, who has testified that it was Martinelli who ordered him to award contracts to the company of De Ycaza.

Ortega also analyzes documents collected during an inspection carried out last week in the Public Registry, related to property owned by Martinelli and corporations which have figured in the investigation.
As the prosecutors circle closer to Martinelli his defense team asked the Public Ministry and the Judiciary for certification of the status of the officials who conducted two inspections, stating that the law does not allow Ortega to be supported by officials