Detained ex-Minister heads for medical check up

THE FORMER Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino,  is the latest of the former ruling elite facing criminal investigation to join the shuttle service between police cells or the offices of anti-corruption prosecutors and the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imlcf).

on Thursday, June 11 he went for a medical and psychiatric evaluation at the request of defense lawyers,
Ferrufino arrived at Imlcf handcuffed and under tight security to and gave no statements to the media.
Sources at the institution said that the former official was in the institution between 10:00 am and 11:30 am
He has been detained at the headquarters of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation since March 4 on orders of Second Anticorruption Prosecutor Vielka Broce while being investigated over of irregular helicopter rental through the National Assistance Program PAN.

A second investigation rof  Ferrufino is underway related to the purchase of a farm in La Chorrera paid for with checks totaling $400,000 from Heliflight Panama, SA, whose president and CEO is Fotis Lymberópulos a personal friend of Ferrufino, reports La Prensa. 
The company was benefited with direct contracts of $ 4 million- for the transfer of personnel from the Ministry of Social Development (Mides) to areas of difficult access.