Metro Bus strike a damp squib

A METRO BUS drivers’ strike on Wednesday, July 8 was a damp squib with only 20 percent failing to get behind the wheel, and they have accepted the decision of arbitrators appointed by the Ministry of Labor the night before, and returned to work.

The striking drivers were in a dispute with Metro operator Mi Bus concerning overtime pay and other benefits.
The strike was largely ineffective and police were on hand to ensure buses were not blocked from leaving their stations.
While many buses were in service, the strike did cause longer than usual lines at several stations. Many users expressed frustration with the system.
“The service is lousy and the workers are rude,” said one rider, adding that work stoppages affect only the people who depend on public transport.”
Miguel Cardona, director of Mi Bus, said the company “welcomes the dialogue,”
Cardona said that 90% of vehicles provided service during the course of the morning, so that the situation was “almost normal”.
The arbitration process was announced Tuesday night by the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development.
“We are following and using all the mechanisms of law to solve the conflict,” said. Cardona