Panamanians least satisfied with democracy

Panamanians are the least satisfied with democracy of the 20 countries in Latin America included in the  “Barometer of the Americas”   survey

With a percentage of 26.1%, Panama is in the last position of the Latin American nations, in the most recent edition – 2018-2019-, of the Americas Barometer.

Uruguay is in first place with 59.5% in the Latin America Satisfaction with democracy survey.

In the countries of Latin America in 2018, an average of 39.6% of citizens was satisfied with democracy, according to the Americas Barometer, which  points out that this value is only “a little lower than the reported in 2016-2017, However, it is substantially less than the

The study conducted by the Barometers of the Americas was carried out in 20 countries in

and more than 31,000  people were interviewed between 2018-2019. Among the results produced by the study in, more than half of those interviewed consider that politicians and their institutions are now more corrupt.

The Americas Barometer is an initiative of the Latin American Public Opinion Project ( LAPOP ) founded more than two decades ago that seeks the development, implementation, and analysis of public opinions.