More arrests in Panama spy scandal

A CRIMINAL complaint over the purchase and subsequent disappearance of the spy system Pegasus, has been filed against three former executives of the National Security Council, two of whom are already in detention, with an arrest warrant pending for the third and for ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s fugitive brother in law.
The equipment was purchased during Martinelli’s rule from the Israeli company NSO Group.
The complaint, filed on Wednesday July 5, accuses former Security Council executive secretaries Julio Moltó, Gustavo Pérez and Alejandro Garuz of offenses against public administration and other charges.
Garuz and Pérez have been detained on other charges since January 2014.
The complaint also mentions the company Caribbean Holding Services, which has been linked to Martinelli’s brother-in-law, Aaron Ronny Mizrachi. The day the link to Mizrachi was revealed, he fled the country on a private jet belonging to Martinelli. tLópez has asked Attorney General Kenia Porcell to arrest all three former Security Council officials and Mizrachi.
The complaint is partly based on documents provided by the NSO Group and duly authenticated by the Israeli Embassy.
According to the complaint, Moltó initiated the purchase of the equipment, nicknamed Pegasus. In previous testimony, Moltó has admitted to seeking such equipment, but denied being behind the request.
“I don’t remember who made me that request, but I do remember that they required a higher quality internet to run the systems since the bandwidth was not appropriate,” he testified. “I don’t remember what I did or any requests I made.”
There was also a note dated Jan. 25, 2012, in which Moltó petitioned Panama Canal Administrator Alberto Aleman Zubieta to authorize the installation of towers “exclusively for the Security Council for required internet service.”
The complaint also highlights statements made by Iris Carmen Cerrud, head of the Council’s computer science department, who said Moltó ordered the department to work with Israeli contractors on wiring a building for improved internet access.
When asked about that statement, Moltó replied: “It may be, I do not remember, but it could be “