Strike threat to Canal project target date

THE COMPLETION of the Panama Canal expansion program by April 2016 could be threatened if a threatened construction workers strike goes ahead says the consortium working on the project.

Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), said is willing to continue the dialogue with the Union of Construction Workers and Similar (SUNTRACS) to resolve workers’ requests. At the end of June the project was over 91 percent complete.
A GUPC press release says, the strike would start from Monday August 10 following demands of SUNTRACS for a 8.9% wage increase. The union ic calling for retroactive payment for a previously negotiated increase.
“GUPC requested support from the Canal Authority (ACP), owner of the work so that together a compatible economic solution with the union could be found, however, the intransigent attitude of the ACP meant it was not possible reach an agreement to find a solution to the impending strike affecting the delivery schedule of the work” the statement said..
Saul Mendez secretary general of SUNTRACS sent a letter August 8, to Giusepe Quarta, director of GUPC, announcing the decision of the board for a work stoppage. If an agreement is not reached the strike would start on Wednesday, August 12.
Hector Hurtado, a spokesman for SUNTRACS said there are “ongoing negotiations” to find a solution to the problem and he urged the administrator of the waterway, Jorge Luis Quijano, to become involved.Sources in the ACP told La Prensa that the employment relationship is with the contractor and it is up to GUPC seek an agreement with the workers.
At June 30, 2015, the expansion program recorded an increase of 91.3%.