High profile spy trial makes way for murder case

TWO KEY DEFENDANTS in the Martinelli secret surveillance scandal arrived at Panama’s Supreme Court under tight security on Monday August 17, only to find their case suspended because their assigned courtroom was to be used for continuance of a murder trial in the afternoon.

Two ex-secretaries of the National Security Council Gustavo Perez and Alejandro Garuz and fugitives Ronny Rodriguez and William Pittí –are charged with crimes against freedom
Monday’s hearing, was  held behind closed doors, Garuz and Perez, collaborators of former Ricardo Martinelli were brought fom El Renacer prison and were in the court without their wives reports La Prensa.
There are 16 plaintiffs.
The two men have been in custody since January. They are accused of illegally listening in to mobile devices and social networks of some 150 people, including opponents of the president Ricardo Martinelli, management of Martinelli politicians, businessmen, journalists and trade unionists.
Martinelli- who has been outside the country since January 28 also faces a criminal proceeding On Wednesday August 12, the full Supreme Court judge authorized Judge Harry Diaz to initiate investigations after the Electoral Tribunal lifted the electoral criminal immunity, granted by the primaries of his party.