Martinelli lawyers try to block spying inquiry

THE INVESTIGATION of intelligence services and equipment acquired by the previous administration from the Italian Hacking Team and Israeli NSO Group,for the Pegaus surveillance operation, which has disappeared. is in the hands of the Sixth Anticorruption Prosecutor.
Aurelio Vasquez began both investigations and requested copies of contracts of the companies that offered the services and equipment for wiretapping.
In addition, they will investigate the complaint brought by National Security Council direcor Rolando Lopez against the agency’s ex-secretaries Gustavo Perez, Alejandro Garuz and Julio Moltó for the disappearance of the Pegasus spy equipment.
Meanwhile the defense of Ricardo Martinelli presented yesterday -before the plenary of the Supreme Court (CSJ)- a warning of unconstitutionality against article 491-A of Law 55 of 2012, with the intention of stopping the process against the former president for allegedly illegal wiretapping reports La Prensa.
awyer Dimas Guevara, of Martinelli’s legal team, submitted the request to Judge Jeronimo Mejia, based on the resolution of February 20, 2015 by which the Supreme Court ordered the accumulation of the complaints filed against Martinelli. The appeal by Guevara proposed that the accumulation of proceedings against Martinelli violates his fundamental rights by putting him in a state of helplessness.
Martinelli is linked to this process by being the responsible for the Security Council and who allegedly received the reports.