Officials haunted by ghost of empty rental

A lease agreed by the Social Security Fund (CSS) has come back to haunt  the former director and Guillermo Sáez-Llorens  and former Assistant Director Marlon de Sousa.

It all goes back to 2012, when the  CSS rented 32 locations in   El Cruce mall in Pedregal, owned by businessman, Fotis Taquis  says La Prensa

The purpose was to use the physical space to provide health services and administration. but according to a complaint filed with the Public Ministry the physical spaces were never used for such purposes.

Sáez- Llorens appeared  before the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, on Friday April 11 facing  charges for the alleged commission of crimes against public administration.

De Sousa was questioned Thursday and must return on Monday September 14.

The complaint was filed by Pedro Montanez, who told La Prensa  that the premises “were never busy.” He said that at the time Sáez-Llorens said that   medications were in buildings in  Curundú that were to be demolished.

The rental cost was negotiated at $ 36,800 a month, for 36 months, according to official documents.

Guillermo Puga, who was a member of the board of the CSS when Sáez-Llorens ruled , said that at that time the then official said the lease was “urgent” because the buildings of the CS in Curundú were to be demolished for the construction of the first Metro line. “The buildings were never demolished,” said  Puga.

The use of funds for renting the deposits was authorized by the board of the CSS in 2012.

Sáez-Llorens has two other processes in the Public Ministry, one to do with the death of infants in 2013 and another related to the hospital city now  called  Health City