Country arrest for former Social Security bosses

Country arrest for former Social Security bosses

THE FORMER DIRECTOR of Panama’s Social Security Fund (CSS) is the latest high ranking official of the previous administration to face restrictions on his movements.

After questioning by the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor on Friday September 11,  Guillermo   Sáez- Llorens was placed under country arrest and ordered to report to authorities every 15 days. He is accused   of crimes against public administration for  renting locations in Juan Diaz   from a  local businessman  for over $3,600 a month for three years. The space was allegedly never used.

Anti Corruption Prosecutor  Zuleyka Moore ordered  the former official to  remain at  the address  he listed at  the hearing.

The measure was also applied to the former Assistant Director of the CSS Marlon de Sousa, who was investigated on Thursday.

In July 2012, the CSS rented 32 stores in ​​El Cruce, Juan Diaz to move drugs from  Curundú deposits that  would be demolished for  the construction of Metro Line 1. The demolition never took place.