Home from disco ,wife knifes husband after spat

 A 30-YEAR-OLD Venezuelan woman stabbed and killed her husband after he allegedly attacked her following a disco night out.

According to Panama media reports the Venezuelan couple had been under investigation for money laundering in their home country.

The killing took place at around 3.30 am on Friday, October 2 in apartment # 30,  on the 30th floor, of the  Bay Golf apartment  building in San Francisco.

Edward Rodriguez Reyes, 36, died when his wife, Carla Sáchez Tsunami,, thrust  a knife into his  neck.

A police source told El Siglo that when police arrived the woman was hysterical and frightened. And said that she killed her husband  because he was beating her and was armed with a knife.

The  couple had  returned to the apartment after a night at a disco and a  strong argument developed , possibly over  a passionate issue, the source said. After that the started to attack her and with a knife, but she d found a knife and attacked him.

The will be subject to forensic examinations to  determine the true course of events.

The couple are currently under investigation in Venezuela on money laundering and corruption charges. Reports El Siglo.